
"Can the Greater Sage-Grouse Be Kept Off the Endangered Species List?"

"Warming and habitat loss diminished sage grouse populations 80 percent since 1965, putting them on the brink of an endangered listing. Western states, the federal government and energy and ranching interests are struggling to prevent that."

Source: Inside Climate News, 06/18/2024

Makah Tribe Wins U.S. Waiver To Resume Hunting Pacific Gray Whales

"After a decades-long struggle, a Native American tribe won the right to resume its hunting traditions off Washington state's coast when federal regulators granted a waiver on Thursday allowing the Makah people to hunt up to 25 gray whales over a decade."

Source: Reuters, 06/14/2024

"Wild Horses Return To Kazakhstan Steppes After Absence Of Two Centuries"

"A group of the world’s last wild horses have returned to their native Kazakhstan after an absence of about 200 years. ... The wild horses, known as Przewalski’s horses, once roamed the vast steppe grasslands of central Asia, where horses are believed to have been first domesticated about 5,500 years ago."

Source: Guardian, 06/13/2024
September 27, 2024 to September 29, 2024

Canadian Animal Law Conference

Animal Justice's annual event, this year in Toronto, includes sessions on aquatic animal law & ethics, agricultural exceptionalism, "enriched" cages, selective media coverage, ag gag laws, wildlife policies, biodiversity and more. A related Student Animal Law Conference takes place on Sep 27 (travel funding available). 


"How Biden Is Conserving Land And Water As Trump Looms"

"A week after his presidential inauguration, Joe Biden cited the climate and biodiversity crises as reasons to set a sweeping new goal – to conserve at least 30% of America’s vast lands and waters by the end of the decade. Three years on, new protections have spurred meaningful progress towards meeting the target by 2030."

Source: Guardian, 06/12/2024
August 13, 2024 to October 18, 2024

IJ4EU Confidential: Unveiling the Secrets of Complex Investigations

This Investigative Journalism for Europe monthly webinar series delves into the backstories of collaborative journalistic projects in Europe and beyond. Next up, on Aug 13, is "Can journalists stop a ticking climate bomb?: The making of Defusing a Russian ‘Carbon Bomb’" 14:00 CEST (8:00 a.m. ET).



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