Antarctica & Arctic

April 23, 2024

On Thin Ice: Covering Climate Adaptation in a Rapidly Changing World

How are communities in Puerto Rico, Namibia, Mongolia and the Arctic adapting to their changing environments? Join the Pulitzer Center Reporting Fellow Program for a Zoom discussion on climate adaptation efforts around the world, followed by audience Q&A. 6:30-7:30 p.m. ET. 


As Climate Changes, Sami Herders Need To Feed Reindeer As Rain Creates Ice

"Driving slowly on his snowmobile, reindeer herder Nils Mathis Sara spreads animal feed for hundreds of his reindeer gathered in the Finnmark mountain plateau in Arctic Norway - something he wished he did not have to do."

Source: Reuters, 04/05/2024

"Caribou Declines Causing Angst For Hunters Are Part Of Wider Trend"

"Alaska subsistence hunters struggling with caribou declines and lost hunting opportunities got a message at a gathering in Anchorage last week: They are not alone." "There are signs that climate change is depressing caribou numbers, and ongoing and proposed development could make recovery more difficult, experts say".

Source: Alaska Beacon, 03/21/2024

Norway And Sami People End Dispute Over Europe’s Largest Onshore Wind Farm

"Norway on Wednesday reached an agreement with the Sami people, ending a nearly three-year dispute over Europe’s largest onshore wind farm and the Indigenous right to raise reindeer."

Source: AP, 03/07/2024

"Norway Gives Arctic Foxes A Helping Hand Amid Climate Woes"

"One by one, the crate doors swing open and five Arctic foxes bound off into the snowy landscape. In the wilds of southern Norway, the newly freed foxes could struggle to find enough to eat, as the impacts of climate change make the foxes’ traditional rodent prey more scarce."

Source: Reuters, 03/05/2024


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