Great Plains (IA KS ND NE MO SD)

New Reporting Network Aims To Make Connections in the Mississippi Basin

The Mississippi River and its tributaries drain more than 40% of the continent, but most coverage of environmental stories within the Mississippi Basin is localized and siloed. The recently launched Mississippi River Basin Ag & Water Desk hopes to help news outlets provide region-wide reporting that contextualizes issues like climate change-driven flooding and the Gulf of Mexico dead zone.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Mo. Health Dept Found Mask Mandates Work, But Didn’t Make Findings Public

"Mask mandates saved lives and prevented COVID-19 infections in Missouri’s biggest cities during the worst part of the delta variant wave, an analysis by the state Department of Health and Senior Services shows. But the analysis, conducted at the request of Gov. Mike Parson’s office in early November, was never made public and was only obtained by The Missouri Independent and the Documenting COVID-19 project after a Sunshine Law request to the department."

Source: Missouri Independent, 12/03/2021

"Climate Change Makes It Harder for Iowa to Provide Clean Drinking Water"

"Janis Elliott started testing the private well water that comes out of the faucets in her home for nitrates after she attended an environmental meeting more than five years ago. Elliott lives in the small unincorporated town of Avon, Iowa not too far south of Des Moines."

Source: NPR, 12/02/2021

Biden Administration To Struggle With Environmental Justice in 2022

The history of environmental racism is a long one in the United States, far longer than the efforts to address the problem. But reporting on environmental justice continues to tick upwards, and an analysis in the latest Backgrounder points to promising progress, explaining why for journalists the year ahead may yield important stories, whether about future footholds or new missteps.

SEJ Publication Types: 
December 8, 2021

SEJ Webinar: Report for America — How You Can Help Strengthen Local Journalism

Learn about Report for America and how to apply for more than 100 full-time journalism positions, including many environmental positions, 10 of which will be offered through a partnership with the University of Missouri School of Journalism and the Society of Environmental Journalists. These 10 positions are part of the Mississippi River Basin Ag & Water Desk, a new collaborative network meant to boost coverage of environmental and agricultural issues throughout the river basin. 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET.


U.N. Summit Lays the Table for Environmental Reporting on Food Systems

After an 18-month buildup, a one-day U.N. Food Systems Summit earlier this fall generated hundreds of commitments to end global hunger and a dizzying array of alliances dedicated to the cause. Despite controversies surrounding the summit, this groundbreaking event highlighted opportunities for reporting on food and food systems. Award-winning agriculture journalist Chris Clayton shares his insights.

SEJ Publication Types: 

As Locales Move to Decarbonize Buildings, Will States Ban Gas Bans?

While climate change is certainly a global phenomenon, conflicts over addressing it often turn on local concerns. Case in point: Community bans on the use of the fossil fuel methane (aka natural gas), which has in turn prompted some states to ban the bans themselves. The latest TipSheet explains the bans and how they play into the climate change debate, plus story ideas and resources.

SEJ Publication Types: 

A Look Back at the Birth of the Animal Rights Movement

The origins of the struggle to protect animal welfare began with preventing the brutal mistreatment of carriage horses. And a new volume explores how one man did much to extend those protections to many species with the founding of the ASPCA. Our BookShelf has a review of “A Traitor to His Species: Henry Bergh and the Birth of the Animal Rights Movement.”

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Raccoon River Water Quality Lawsuit Dries Up In Iowa Supreme Court"

"A lawsuit aimed at creating mandatory water quality regulations to reduce farm pollution in the Raccoon River will not proceed after the Iowa Supreme Court ruled the case asked the courts to infringe on the powers of the legislature."

Source: Iowa Public Radio, 06/21/2021

Boom and Bust — Two Books Explore Working-Class Communities in the Clean Energy Transition 

For a clean energy transition to succeed, it almost certainly will have to bring along displaced workers and communities. To help journalists understand the challenges underlying that shift, BookShelf’s Jenny Weeks reviews two volumes. The first is a new memoir of working in North Dakota’s booming Bakken oil fields, the second an earlier account of decline in a working-class community in Oregon.

SEJ Publication Types: 


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