Environmental Health

"9th Circuit Orders EPA To Act on Neurotoxin Ban"

"Blasting the Environmental Protection Agency for "egregious" delay in the face of an acknowledged threat to human health, a U.S. appeals court has given the agency an Oct. 31 deadline to issue a full and final response to environmentalists' 2007 petition to take the neurotoxin chlorpyrifos off the market."

Source: Reuters, 08/11/2015

"Perdue Sharply Cuts Antibiotic Use in Chickens and Jabs at Its Rivals"

"SALISBURY, Md. — The floors are spotless in Hatchery 3 on the sprawling Perdue compound here. Doors have been rehung to open out, and temperature control and ventilation systems have been upgraded, all to minimize the potential for airborne contamination."

Source: NY Times, 08/10/2015


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