
October 3, 2012 to October 5, 2012

SXSW Eco Conference on Sustainability

In its second year, SXSW Eco is a three-day conference in Austin, TX addressing the need for a concerted, cross sector approach to solving the recognized challenges facing the economy, the environment and civil society.

September 14, 2012

Agriculture and Environmental Protection: The 2012 Farm Bill and Beyond

This national teleconference will address a range of environmental and natural resource issues related to the new Farm Bill. Topics will include: potential changes to working lands and land retirement conservation programs; the scope of compliance requirements under "sodbuster," "swampbuster," and other programs; organic food production incentives; and what the new legislation may mean for concentrated animal feeding operations.


Federal Judge Limits PETA Video Display at Kansas State Fair

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals had planned to display a video showing animals being slaughtered and instances of abuse. The fair board said that PETA could only show the video within its booth and out of public view, so that people would have to make a deliberate decision to see it.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 

Data Missing on Farm Use of Antibiotics; Health Study Hindered

A new report by Sabrina Tavernise in the New York Times points out that basic data about the routine use of antibiotics in farm animals (which consume some 80 percent of the nation's antibiotics) is largely missing and that a ferocious germ resistant to many types of antibiotics had increased tenfold on chicken breasts.

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Topics on the Beat: 

"10m Pounds of Maple Syrup Have Mysteriously Gone Missing in Canada"

"The province of Quebec is responsible for 75 percent of the maple syrup produced in the ENTIRE WORLD. So it’s no surprise that they keep a strategic maple syrup reserve -- hot weather ruins the volume and taste of the syrup crop, and pancake fiends can get ugly, so it pays to have backup. Which is all very good planning, until more than a quarter of the syrup nest egg disappears."

Source: Grist, 09/05/2012


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