Laws & Regulations

"Fight Over Seabed Agency Leadership Turns Nasty"

"Allegations of possible payments to help secure votes. Claims of abuse of agency funds by top diplomats. A possible job offer to entice a candidate to withdraw from a race. These are not the shenanigans of a corrupt election in an unstable country. Rather, they are efforts in the seemingly genteel parlors of a United Nations-affiliated agency, meant to sway decisions related to the start of seabed mining of the metals used in electric vehicles."

Source: NYTimes, 07/08/2024

"Advocates Decry Attempt To Halt New Silica Rule Meant To Protect Miners"

"A single line included in the proposed annual appropriations bill for the U.S. Department of Labor and other agencies could — if adopted by congress later this year — halt the implementation of a newly finalized rule limiting the amount of silica dust miners are exposed to while working underground."

Source: West Virginia Watch, 07/08/2024
November 25, 2024 to December 1, 2024

UNEP Fifth Session (INC-5) on Plastic Pollution

The United Nation Environment Programme's fifth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (INC-5), takes place in Busan, Republic of Korea.


"Biden Proposes New Rule To Protect 36 Million Workers From Extreme Heat"

"President Joe Biden on Tuesday proposed a new rule to address excessive heat in the workplace, warning — as tens of millions of people in the U.S. are under heat advisories — that high temperatures are the country’s leading weather-related killer."

Source: AP, 07/03/2024

Calif. Communities Win ‘Massive’ Victory as Oil Industry Drops Referendum

"The oil industry withdrew its $40 million campaign to kill a historic law to protect neighborhoods from oil drilling’s toxic effects, but is threatening to challenge the measure in court."

Source: Inside Climate News, 07/02/2024


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