
"EPA Chief Seeks To Claw Back $20 Billion In Climate Funding"

"The head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is seeking to end contracts agreed by the previous administration to distribute $20 billion in grants to fund clean energy and transportation projects in disadvantaged communities, he said on Thursday."

Source: Reuters, 02/14/2025
February 18, 2025

SciLine Webinar: Beyond the Basics of Science Reporting

This brand-new, intermediate-level webinar will help journalists sort through and weigh conflicting evidence to make sure you’re accurately representing the state of the science on any given topic. 2-3:15 p.m. ET.

Topics on the Beat: 

"EPA Removes EJScreen From Its Website" (But Not From the Web)

"On February 5th, EPA removed from its website the environmental justice mapping and screening tool, EJScreen, as well as several related web pages. ... Public Environmental Data Partners (PEDP) released a reconstruction of Version 2.3 of EPA’s EJScreen."

Source: EDGI, 02/13/2025

Trump Funding Freeze Could Leave Communities On Their Own To Face Climate

"Removing lead paint and pipes. Cleaning up contaminated land. Monitoring pollution. Making houses more energy efficient. Installing solar panels in low-income neighborhoods. Those are some of the projects across the country that were cut off from federal funding when the Trump administration paused spending approved earlier by Congress."

Source: NPR, 02/13/2025

Bayer Backs Broader Effort To Shield Popular Weedkiller From Cancer Claims

"A renewed and expanded effort from chemical giant Bayer to shield itself from lawsuits that claim its popular weedkiller Roundup causes cancer brought dozens of protesters to the Iowa Capitol building Monday begging lawmakers to reject it."

Source: AP, 02/13/2025


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