
Defense Bill Would Require 'Forever Chemical' Testing At Military Sites

"The National Defense Act Authorization (NDAA) passed by the House on Thursday night would require the Pentagon to factor in extreme weather risks and publish studies on a class of toxic “forever chemicals.”"

Source: The Hill, 09/27/2021

"A New Breed of Crisis: War and Warming Collide in Afghanistan"

"Afghanistan embodies a new breed of international crisis, where the hazards of war collide with the hazards of climate change, creating a nightmarish feedback loop that punishes some of the world’s most vulnerable people and destroys their countries’ ability to cope."

Source: NYTimes, 09/01/2021

"Group Cites Chemical Concerns At Military Sites Near Bay"

"The groundwater of at least nine military installations near the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland and Virginia is contaminated with high levels of toxic fluorinated “forever chemicals,” according to a report Wednesday by an environmental group that cites Defense Department records."

Source: AP, 08/13/2021

Watchdog Calls On Pentagon To Detail PFAS Chemicals' Cleanup Expenses

"The Government Accountability Office (GAO) called on the Department of Defense (DOD) this week to detail its cleanup expenses for “forever chemicals” from water supply sources near military bases."

Source: The Hill, 06/24/2021

Brazil Special Force To Protect The Yanomami From Wildcat Gold Miners

"The Brazilian government on Monday authorized the employment of the National Security Force (FNS) to protect the Yanomami indigenous people and their reservation lands for 90 days in the northern state of Roraima bordering Venezuela."

Source: Reuters, 06/15/2021

IG: Park Police Didn’t Clear Lafayette Square Protesters For Trump Visit

"When the U.S. Park Police led law enforcement officers into a crowd of mostly peaceful protesters outside Lafayette Square on June 1, 2020, including officers equipped with chemical irritants and officers on horseback, they did so as part of a plan made days earlier to build a fence around the park to protect officers, not to facilitate the visit minutes later by President Donald Trump to a nearby church, an inspector general’s report released Wednesday concluded."

Source: Washington Post, 06/10/2021

Hacked Pipeline May Stay Shut for Days, Raising Concerns About Supply

"The operator of the largest petroleum pipeline between Texas and New York, which was shut down after a ransomware attack, declined on Sunday to say when it would reopen, raising concerns about a critical piece of infrastructure that carries nearly half of the East Coast’s fuel supplies."

Source: NYTimes, 05/10/2021


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