Environmental Health

"Millions of US Low-Income Households Face Power Shutoffs Amid Deadly Heat"

"Millions of low-income households are at risk of having their power disconnected this summer, exacerbating the risk of deadly heat as the climate crisis drives up temperatures."

Source: Guardian, 07/17/2024

Bioplastics Are Poorly Defined And Regulated, And Possibly Toxic: Report

"The lack of federal regulations and clear definitions for bioplastics make it increasingly difficult to determine whether or not they are a safe alternative to traditional plastics, according to a new report from Beyond Plastics."

Source: EHN, 07/17/2024

"The Problematic Chemicals Fueling America’s EV Revolution"

"The same companies that spewed “forever chemicals” linked with cancer and other diseases in neighborhoods around the world are now key players in the development of EV batteries—sometimes with hefty taxpayer support. Often those companies keep their chemical formulas and emissions from the public ... ."

Source: Mother Jones, 07/16/2024

"West Virginia School Will Remain Open For Now Amid Toxic Groundwater Fears"

"A small West Virginia school will remain open for now after a court temporarily blocked an effort to relocate classes due to the town’s contaminated groundwater being added to a national cleanup priority list."

Source: AP, 07/16/2024

"Monsanto Roundup Trial Win Overturned By Oregon Court"

"An Oregon appeals court on Wednesday overturned a trial victory by Monsanto owner Bayer AG in a decision that adds to an ongoing debate over the company’s efforts to create a nationwide legal and legislative shield from lawsuits alleging Roundup weed killer causes cancer."

Source: The New Lede, 07/15/2024

"What Project 2025 Would Mean For The Fight Against Climate Change"

"Project 2025, a controversial conservative roadmap that aims to guide the next Republican administration, calls for the elimination of multiple energy- and environment-related offices and rules — moves that would restrict the government’s ability to combat climate change and pollution."

Source: The Hill, 07/15/2024

"Research Shows Heat Exposure Disproportionately Affects Black Richmonders"

"Michael, a resident of Richmond’s Southside who declined to share his last name, sat on Forest Hill Avenue waiting for a bus Tuesday just before 2 p.m., when a car thermometer recorded the temperature at 94 degrees."

Source: Virginia Mercury, 07/12/2024


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