Economy & Business

"U.S. Is Falling Behind in the Business of 'Green'"

"With Congress deeply divided over whether climate change is real or if the country should use less fossil fuel, efforts in the United States have paled in comparison [to enterprises in countries ranging from the U.K. to China aimed at reducing carbon emissions]. That slow start is ceding job growth and profits to companies overseas that now profitably export their goods and expertise to the United States."

Source: NY Times, 06/14/2011

"In a War of Words, Makers of Plastic Bags Go to Court"

"The plastic bag industry, increasingly on the defensive as municipal bag bans proliferate, has gone on the attack against ChicoBag, a competitor that bills itself as an eco-friendly alternative. A federal lawsuit in South Carolina accuses ChicoBag of illegal trash-talking about plastic bag waste."

Source: NY Times, 06/13/2011

"Who’s Running Down RGGI?"

New Jersey is pulling out of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, and three other states may follow. Why is RGGI on the ropes and who is throwing the punches? RGGI is made up of 10 northeastern states stretching from Maine to Delaware. In 2008, they banded together to form a carbon-trading program for power plants --- a market mechanism that enables utilities to buy and sell emission credits so they can meet caps on the amount of carbon they're allowed to put into the air.

Source: Living on Earth, 06/13/2011
July 12, 2011 to July 14, 2011

5th International Conference on Sustainable Development and Planning

The Fifth International Conference on Sustainable Development and Planning in the UK builds upon a series that started in 2003 in Skiathos (Greece) and evolved to another three conferences in Bologna (2005), the Algarve (2007) and Cyprus (2009). The conference addresses the subject of regional development in an integrated way as well as in accordance with the principles of sustainability.

June 21, 2011 to June 23, 2011

First International Conference on Food and Environment - The Quest for a Sustainable Future

The First International Conference on Food and the Environment in the UK will focus on a variety of issues affecting food production and distribution including those related to natural and anthropogenic causes. The conference will emphasise the effects of modern food production processes and how they can affect human health.


Is FCC Slow To Reveal Cell Phone Risks?

A World Health Organization panel finds cell phone radiation might present a cancer risk , and spotlights ongoing reluctance by the Federal Communications Commission to share publicly all the health information it has on the subject — and possible complicity with industry in hushing the research.

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