Other Events

March 12, 2012 to March 17, 2012

6th World Water Forum

Taking place in Marseille, France, the Forum aims to generate concrete solutions to issues of access to water and sanitation, in particular through the launch of an online solutions platform.

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March 19, 2012

Interfaith Climate and Energy Conference in Jerusalem

The Conference features world and Israel-based religious leaders speaking out on the ethical imperative and religious basis for action on climate change and use of renewable energy. Interactive, action-oriented workshops follow the main plenary session.

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May 30, 2012 to June 1, 2012

2nd Annual U.S. Slow Living Summit

A national convening of cross-sector intelligence, ideas and action for sustainable living in a post-carbon world.

February 6, 2012

AJC NY Presents Digging Deeper: The Fracking Controversy

The American Jewish Committee (AJC) NY Energy Committee presents Digging Deeper: The Fracking Debate - Balancing the benefits of accessing shale assets with the importance of implementing effective measures to protect the environment. 5:30 p.m. with light refreshments.


January 30, 2012 to February 1, 2012

Energy, Utility and Environment Conference (EUEC) 2012

EUEC 2012 is the 15th annual energy, utility and environment conference, making it the largest and longest running professional networking and educational event of its kind in the United States. Gina McCarthy's keynote address will include the EPA's new Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS).

May 13, 2012 to May 19, 2012

International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas

The International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas is part of an ongoing degrowth discussion, including conferences held in Paris (2008) and Barcelona (2010), and another to be held in Venice in September 2012 which present opportunities for learning how to avert ecological collapse while enhancing social justice and improving life’s prospects.

January 26, 2012 to January 29, 2012

Guelph Organic Conference of 2012 - Seeds of Cooperation

The 2012 Guelph Organic Conference is a 4-day workshop program with a 2-day Expo (Expo is Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 28-29, only). Offerings include organics for smallholders, livestock management, seed saving, and health benefits of organic food.


October 17, 2023

DEADLINE: Submissions for Cinema Verde International Environmental Film & Arts Festival

Calling all filmmakers, students and nature lovers! Submit your film to the Apr 2024 Cinema Verde International Environmental Film and Arts Festival, founded by SEJ member Trish Riley. The event will feature documentaries, shorts and student films. Deadlines: May 27 (early); Aug 27 (regular); Oct 17 (late).

Topics on the Beat: 
March 28, 2012 to March 30, 2012

Save the Planet International Eco Forum in Bulgaria

The Save the Planet conference is a communication platform for professionals from South-East Europe involved in the environment, waste management and recycling spheres. The 2012 program will include sessions and discussions on industry challenges and technical developments. Attendees will be able to see the latest products and solutions showcased at the parallel exhibition.

October 13, 2024

DEADLINE: Big Sky Documentary Film Festival

The Big Sky Documentary Film Festival seeks submissions for its 22nd annual event in Feb 2025. Open to non-fiction films and videos of all genres, subject matter, lengths and production dates. Cash prizes. 2024 deadlines: Jun 30 (early); Aug 31 (regular); Oct 13 (final).

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