Fish & Fisheries

"Fraser River Sockeye Face Chemical Soup of 200 Contaminants"

"Sockeye salmon are exposed to a soup of chemicals in the Fraser River, and some of the ingredients are accumulating to potentially lethal levels in eggs, while others may be disrupting the sexual function of fish, according to a scientific review conducted for the Cohen Commission."

Source: Toronto Globe & Mail, 05/12/2011

Ocean Issues Highlighted at 'Blue Vision' Summit May 20-23 in DC

The event will cover everything from the Gulf of Mexico's struggle to recover from the BP oil spill to protection of over-exploited commercial fish stocks … to ocean acidification, marine protected areas, offshore energy, and coastal ecosystem restoration.

SEJ Publication Types: 

FWS: Climate Change Is Affecting Fish and Wildlife in Every State

To illustrate those impacts in each state — and related attempts at mitigation and collaborative projects — the US Fish and Wildlife Service is publishing a new article every weekday for fifty consecutive days. For example, one story is on Wisconsin's innovative native prairie restoration program. 

SEJ Publication Types: 

"BP Spill's Next Major Phase: Wrangling Over Toll on Gulf"

"A year after the worst oil spill to strike U.S. waters, oyster beds are struggling along the Gulf of Mexico, the dolphin population is experiencing what the federal government calls an 'unusual mortality event,' and red snapper with rotting fins are showing up on fishing lines."

Source: Wall St. Journal, 04/13/2011


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