Fish & Fisheries

La. Oyster Industry Struggles To Cope With Spill, Coastal Restoration

"After five years and four hurricanes, 2010 had all the markings of a banner year for Pete Vujnovich and his array of oyster leases west of the Mississippi River. But the months-long assault of oil in Barataria Bay -- and more importantly the state's decision to unleash fresh water from the river to beat back oil -- has wiped out more than three-quarters of his crop, leaving the next five years an open question."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 11/01/2010

The New Invader, Lionfish, Raises Major Concerns for Ocean Reef Systems

Veteran journalist and SEJ co-founder Rae Tyson writes about the prolific and voracious Indo-Pacific lionfish, which has spread as far north as Rhode Island and as far south as the Caribbean Sea. A Washington, DC chef offers one tasty solution to the problem.

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