
"Why Food Reformers Have Mixed Feelings About Eco-Labels"

"Take a walk through the grocery story; the packages are talking to you, proclaiming their moral virtue, appealing to your ideals: organic, cage-free, fair trade. When I dug into the world of eco-labels recently, I was surprised to find that some of the people who know these labels best are ambivalent about them."

Source: NPR, 06/13/2019

FED Tool Tracks Pollution on Federal Lands

A revamped Reporter’s Toolbox begins today with a new focus on data resources for environmental journalists. The now biweekly column starts with a look at a massive database designed for federal land managers that reporters can use to scan dozens of pollution data sets about air quality and more in parks, forests and other federal lands.

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June 6, 2019

Webinar: Toxic Cities: Telling Big Stories on Hidden Risks

This free Center for Healthy Journalism webinar, 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET, will provide you with fresh ideas for reporting on hidden threats in your community. Philadelphia Inquirer reporters Barbara Laker and Wendy Ruderman, who reported the groundbreaking series "Toxic City," will share their bold and unconventional strategies for environmental testing.


Ohio’s Nuclear Bailout Plan Balloons to Embrace Coal, Crimp Renewables

"While other states are embracing renewable energy, Ohio is heading in the opposite direction. A bill passed this week by the Ohio House would subsidize nuclear and coal power while cutting state support for renewable energy and energy efficiency, with the utilities' customers footing the bill."

Source: InsideClimate News, 06/03/2019

Urban Farming a Fertile Bed for Crop of Local Stories

The rise of the modern environmental and food movements has shifted urban farming into high gear. For environmental journalists, that could yield a bumper crop of local stories. The latest TipSheet has more, along with questions to ask, story angles to follow and reporting resources to tap.

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Follow Fish Advisories To Catch Local Stories

Toxic chemicals and disease-causing microorganisms can be found in some fresh-caught fish. And that means local stories for environmental journalists, who can pick up on problems through federal and state fish advisories. The latest TipSheet explains the health impacts and how they’re regulated, plus questions to ask and story ideas, including an environmental justice angle.

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Is Your Local Landfill Leaking Methane?

It’s a good case for the global-local nexus: The potent greenhouse gas methane may be leaking from your local landfill. And this week’s TipSheet explains the latest news developments in this long-standing controversy, as well as policy disputes over capturing the gas. Plus, get story ideas and questions to ask for your local reporting.

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