
All forms of advocacy, esp. environmental groups.

Climate Censorship, Part II, Courtesy Wall Street Journal’s Editorial Board

A new quarrel over climate reporting, prompted by an editorial charging “censorship,” has the WatchDog troubled by the difficulty of finding a path for transparency. The latest WatchDog Opinion takes a look at the dispute, how online platforms like Twitter fit in and the limits of the laws on disinformation in the United States and Europe, all as part of an effort to chart a path forward for journalism.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Sleuths Tap Obscure Toxics Database To ID Loophole on PFAS

Data specialists working with two databases, one familiar and one little-known, have uncovered how companies may be able to hide releases of the family of toxic PFAS chemicals. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox details the data revelation and explores how journalists may make use of the Chemical Data Reporting service’s datasets for their own stories.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Environmental Reporting Through an Indigenous Perspective

Indigenous communities that have tried to live in balance with nature have seen their practices largely ignored. But now many have turned to them for guidance. As part of a special initiative from the Society of Environmental Journalists on covering climate solutions, we offer a tipsheet from journalist Brian Bull on reporting on how Indigenous people use nature-based environmental solutions. Also, check out additional resources and watch video from an earlier webinar.

SEJ Publication Types: 
November 11, 2022 to November 12, 2022

GLF Climate: Frontiers of Change

Hosted online and in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt alongside COP27, this hybrid Global Landscapes Forum event will seek answers on how to build a low-carbon economy that puts people and nature first. Simultaneous interpretation available  (EN|FR|ES).


Fossil Fuels Registry Promises Global Warming Data. Does It Deliver?

A new global fossil fuels registry sounds like a breakthrough for covering climate change and energy stories. But Reporter’s Toolbox inspected it and found potentially problematic data sourcing and accuracy. That doesn’t mean that it won’t be useful as one of several tools to help report the beat. Here’s how to make the most of fossil fuel data sources.

SEJ Publication Types: 

U.S. Wildfire Response Badly Off-Base, New Doc Convincingly Shows

A gripping new documentary on raging megafires weaves together stunning cinematography with deeply researched revelations that reveal the futility of current policy around managing wildfires, writes veteran wildfire reporter Robert McClure in a new EJ InSight column. His review, with three big takeaways.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Town Employee Quietly Lowered Fluoride In Water For Years"

"Residents of a small community in Vermont were blindsided last month by news that one official in their water department quietly lowered fluoride levels nearly four years ago, giving rise to worries about their children’s dental health and transparent government — and highlighting the enduring misinformation around water fluoridation."

Source: AP, 10/10/2022

"Carbon Capture Faces Ferocious Pushback In Parts Of Louisiana"

"When two companies planning carbon capture projects appeared before the Livingston Parish Council this week, residents overcrowded the parking lot and packed shoulder to shoulder into the hearing room to speak out against them."

Source:, 10/03/2022

On the Persistence of Ocean Plastics

Concerns about seaborne plastic waste go back decades, but science writer Juli Berwald suggests that myths and disinformation about sources and solutions continue to cloud the waters. From lentil-sized nurdles to sprawling fishing nets, 200 million tons of plastic now fill the ocean and, for her, it has become evident that the ocean plastics story is really a land story. But will the newly signed international treaty on plastics offer relief?

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Beat Reporter’s Coverage Calls Out Natural Gas Proponents

Electric utilities may sound like a wonky beat, but in the hands of L.A. Times’ Sammy Roth, it became an opportunity to weave together seemingly dry, technical subject matter into a series of award-winning stories on natural gas that captured flash points for climate change, communities of color and energy politics. Roth shares his reporting experience in the latest Inside Story Q&A.

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