
May 15, 2021

DEADLINE: Freelance Investigative Reporters and Editors (FIRE) Services and Grants

Freelance Investigative Reporters and Editors (FIRE) helps independent journalists by providing two services: a complimentary Editorial Consultancy and a Virtual Newsroom. Applications are open for services and grants of up to $12,500 to assist freelance reporters working on investigative stories. Rolling deadline. Also, on a trial basis through May 15, 2021, FIRE is accepting applications for customized contract-related legal assistance from two veteran media attorneys.

Topics on the Beat: 
April 15, 2024

DEADLINE: Osborn Elliott Prize for Excellence in Journalism on Asia

The Asia Society's annual "Oz Prize" of $10,000 is awarded to a reporter or team of reporters who has produced the best example of journalism about Asia during the calendar year. Evaluation criteria include impact of the work, its originality, creativity, depth of research and educational value in informing the public about Asia. Deadline: Apr 15, 2024.

Topics on the Beat: 
November 16, 2015

DEADLINE: Knight Prototype Fund

The Knight Foundation is offering $35,000 in funding for each of 20 new projects through the Knight Prototype Fund, which helps people explore early-stage media and information ideas. Deadline is Nov 16.

Topics on the Beat: 
December 28, 2023

DEADLINE: ASME National Magazine Awards

These awards honor print and digital publications demonstrating superior execution of editorial objectives, innovative techniques, noteworthy journalistic enterprise and imaginative art direction. Deadlines: Content published before Oct 31 — Nov 2, 2023; before Nov 30 — Nov 30, 2023; after Dec 1 — Dec 28, 2023.

November 15, 2024

DEADLINE: Canada-U.S. Fulbright Program

The Canada-U.S. Fulbright Program operates on the principle of reciprocal exchange and provides the opportunity for outstanding Canadian scholars to lecture and/or conduct research in the United States. Numerous awards are available for prominent and promising scholars, as well as experienced professionals. Deadline: Nov 15 annually.

December 4, 2023

DEADLINE: GRID-Arendal Investigative Environmental Journalism Grants

GRID-Arendal (a UNEP partner) is offering six grants of NOK 20,000 (~US$1800) for experienced environmental investigative journalists, staff or freelance, working globally on the issues of organized environmental crime in developing countries. Apply by Dec 4, 2023.

September 30, 2015

DEADLINE: Knight News Challenge on Data

How might we make data work for individuals and communities? This is an open call for ideas using data to inform & empower people to make decisions about their lives, their communities and democracy. Enter by Sep 30.

Topics on the Beat: 
October 11, 2015

DEADLINE: UNDP Climate Change Storytelling Contest

This United Nations Development Programme contest provides young journalists in developing countries a unique opportunity to contribute to the global debate on climate change in the run-up to COP21, while building their capacity, and providing recognition for excellence. Winners will be funded to attend and cover COP21. Enter by Oct 11.

September 6, 2015

DEADLINE: ASEF's "On the Go" Photo Competition

The Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) invites photographers to participate in On the Go, a photo competition celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM). On the Go's theme is the motion and the pace of life in Asia and Europe, illustrating the moments where we are different — and yet, so alike. Enter by Sep 6, 2015.

September 28, 2015

DEADLINE: Mobile Film Festival

The Mobile Film Festival, taking place in Paris, France, Dec 2015, announces its first international edition in partnership with the United Nations on Climate Change. 30.000 € Grand Prize. Deadline: Sep 28, 2015.


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