
Pesticide PAC Money Surges Into States As Firms Seek To Limit Damage Awards

"As pesticide companies struggle to cap legal payouts to plaintiffs who claim they were injured by Roundup and other products, money from two political committees affiliated with major pesticide manufacturers has surged into state-level politics."

Source: U.S. RTK, 11/05/2024

"London Protesters Demand Water Companies Clean Up Sewage-Tainted Rivers"

"Holding signs with slogans including “stop the plop” and “species not feces,” thousands of people marched in London on Sunday to demand a cleanup of Britain’s sewage-clogged waterways."

Source: AP, 11/04/2024

Campaign Cash: Louisiana Regulators’ Ties To The Utilities They Oversee

"The state is tied for dead last in renewable energy adoption. Little surprise, with so much fossil fuel money flowing to its commissioners."

Source: Floodlight, 11/04/2024

Prize Winner Spurs Policy Change on Illinois PFAS Contamination

When Illinois downplayed the results of long-delayed PFAS testing in the state’s public water supply, Chicago Tribune reporter Michael Hawthorne revisited a story he had first covered two decades before. His investigation uncovered dangerous practices threatening public health, won him accolades and moved the needle on state policy. How he went about it, in the new Inside Story Q&A.

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"What Trump Winning The Election Could Mean For The CDC"

"State and local health departments would no longer be able to track opioid overdoses, provide cancer screenings and help people quit smoking, according to health officials, if Republicans carry out their plans to dramatically shrink the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention under a second Donald Trump presidency."

Source: Washington Post, 11/01/2024


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