Environmental Politics

"The GOP Has Found A New Reason To Pawn Off America’s Public Lands"

"The new Republican Party platform, adopted this week in advance of the next week’s nominating convention in Milwaukee, mentions federal lands only once — and rather than a vague call to protect them, it proposes pawning some of them off to address housing affordability."

Source: HuffPost, 07/12/2024

"Trump Return Could See Climate Progress ‘Unraveled,’ Sally Jewell Says"

"Sally Jewell, who served as US Interior secretary from 2013 to 2017, said the climate stakes of the election in November “could not be higher” and that she’s “really afraid for the future of our planet” should former President Donald Trump return to the White House."

Source: Bloomberg, 07/12/2024

Azerbaijan Plans Climate Fund After Pushback On Fossil-Fuel Levy: Source

"Azerbaijan, host of this year's U.N. COP29 climate summit, has scrapped plans to propose a levy on fossil-fuel producers to raise climate-change funding, and instead aims to launch a new fund at the summit for green investments in poorer countries, a senior COP29 source said."

Source: Reuters, 07/11/2024

"These Biden Rules Could Be Trashed By Trump"

"Some priority regs — including climate standards for existing gas-fired power plants, curbs on lead and copper in drinking water, and heat protections for workers — could be doomed."

Source: E&E News, 07/11/2024

"Biden Signs Bill Bolstering Nuclear Power"

"President Biden signed a bipartisan bill Tuesday aimed at bolstering the nation’s nuclear power in what supporters describe as a historic win for the sector. The nuclear package is expected to speed up the timeline for licensing new nuclear reactors and cut fees that companies have to pay to do so."

Source: The Hill, 07/10/2024

"Record Heat Engulfs Both U.S. Coasts"

"A record-breaking heat wave across the Western U.S. that’s been checking all the key boxes — intensity, duration, and geographic spread — may just be the opening scene of the worst kind of summer blockbuster, one that’s spreading nationwide."

Source: Yale Climate Connections, 07/10/2024

Will the Coming Plastics Treaty Solve the Problem Or Enshrine It?

A major intergovernmental gathering later this year will address plastic pollution, including in oceans. But an overview from our Issue Backgrounder notes that the likelihood of solving the problem may be small. One reason? Petrochemical industry lobbying. Another? The shifting world market for plastic waste. And there are more concerns, such as the effectiveness of incineration and chemical recycling techniques. More, including questions to ask, in Backgrounder.

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