Energy & Fuel

"Firm Applies To Build Largest Pipeline Yet From North Dakota"

"BISMARCK, N.D. -- A Canadian company has applied to build the largest oil pipeline yet from western North Dakota's booming oil patch and will soon begin courting oil producers to reserve space, a key step in a $2.6 billion project that would move millions of gallons of oil to Minnesota and Wisconsin."

Source: AP, 11/06/2013

AZ Commissioner Probes Utility's Secret Funding Of Anti-Solar Campaign

"An Arizona utility commissioner is asking for all the key players in a debate over a solar energy policy in the state to reveal any additional secret funding of nonprofits or public relations campaigns. The probe comes after Arizona Public Service, the state's largest utility, admitted last week that it had been secretly contributing to outside nonprofits running negative ads against solar power."

Source: Huffington Post, 11/01/2013


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