
Anything related to air quality, air pollution, or the atmosphere

Foul-Smelling Biofuels Plant In Southwest Dallas Is Shutting Down

"A plant near homes in southwest Dallas that renders animal fat into biofuel is shutting down after The Dallas Morning News found that it appears to be operating without proper zoning. Neighbors have complained for years about the smell of dead and rotting animals that they say comes from the facility owned by Envirotein."

Source: Dallas Morning News, 10/18/2023

Texas Quietly Sets Weak Cancer Risk Standard For Industrial Air Pollution

"The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has quietly proposed maintaining a target cancer-risk level for air pollution permits that scientists and public health officials consider inadequate to protect public health, especially for communities like those east of Houston that are exposed simultaneously to many sources of industrial emissions."

Source: Inside Climate News, 10/17/2023

Watchdog Finds La. Honeywell Chemical Plant Isn’t Reporting Emissions of CFCs

"U.S. chemical manufacturer Honeywell International released chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)—climate super-pollutants and ozone depleting substances that are banned except for limited uses under an international environmental agreement—according to a report released Oct. 10 by the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), a non-profit environmental organization based in Washington, D.C."

Source: Inside Climate News, 10/17/2023

Prying Open the Statehouse Doors

Reporting on environmental stories often leads to the state legislature, where key material can be frustratingly hard to access. Whether that’s because the state is deliberately hiding information, has poor systems for sharing it or isn’t even tracking it, there are ways to get what you need. Four seasoned environment reporters offer tips, tricks and commiseration.

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Here’s Your Handy Doomsday Dataviz Dashboard

If you’re harboring serious doubts about the climate future but want to be prepared to cover it, the latest Reporter’s Toolbox offers up a seasonably ghoulish list of a dozen and a half great visualization sources to help tell the story. And lest it leave you spooked, remember, as the saying goes, everything will be OK in the end. And if it's not OK, it's not the end.

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