Workshops and Fellowships

May 19, 2015

OSU Climate Change Webinar

The OSU Climate Change Outreach Team offers this free webinar, 12-1pm ET, to learn about NOAA's new tool to provide communities with lake level scenarios and assist with planning decisions. Registration required.

Topics on the Beat: 
June 10, 2015

DEADLINE: YES! Reporting Fellow

YES! Magazine seeks a journalist for a one-year, full-time, paid, in-house reporting fellowship based in Bainbridge Island, WA (near Seattle). This fellowship is designed to support reporters from communities that are often underrepresented in the field of journalism. Apply by Jun 10.

June 12, 2015

ONACamp Indianapolis

On June 12, the Online News Association is offering a free, full day of digital media training at the Indianapolis Star, open to all journalists in the area. Interested in attending? Let them know what you’d like to learn. Registration will open later in May.

Topics on the Beat: 
February 27, 2015

DEADLINE: IJNR Sagebrush Country Institute

The Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources invites applications by Feb 27th for this Apr 6-13, 2015 institute to Utah, Nevada, Wyoming, Colorado and Idaho. Fellows will  explore the longstanding Greater Sage Grouse story, its habitat and the area's related natural resource, energy and environment issues.

June 12, 2015 to June 14, 2015

Chris Woodside's Writing from Nature Workshop

Many writers already realize that their work is not merely an indoor, sedentary pursuit but that the best ideas come in a flash while we are doing other things that have nothing to do with writing. SEJ member Chris Woodside will teach you how to tap this energy productively, and regularly — immersing in the natural world, with no agenda — in beautiful Squam Lake, NH. Keynote speaker is Mark Kramer (pictured), director of Boston University's The Power of Narrative writing conference.

Topics on the Beat: 
January 31, 2015

DEADLINE: Google Journalism Fellowship

This program is for undergraduate and graduate students of all disciplines interested in using technology to tell stories in new and dynamic ways. Fellows will spend Summer 2015 contributing to a variety of organizations — from those that are steeped in investigative journalism to those working for press freedom around the world and from those forging new approaches to reporting to those that are helping the industry figure out its future in the digital age. Cash stipend. Deadline: Jan 31st.

February 16, 2015

DEADLINE: IRP Reporting Trip to Nepal

The International Reporting Project (IRP) invites applications for an expenses-paid group reporting trip on health and development in Nepal, particularly in light of the upcoming end of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the potential adoption of Sustainable Development Goals. Deadline to apply for the Apr 25-May 7, 2015 trip is Feb 16th.

February 9, 2015

DEADLINE: Metcalf Institute Climate Change Seminar for Journalists

Metcalf Institute is partnering with the National Adaptation Forum and EcoAdapt to present a free, day and a half-long seminar (May 12-13, 2015) and optional field trip as part of the National Adaptation Forum, May 12-14, in St. Louis, Missouri. The Forum will provide a rare opportunity for journalists to meet adaptation experts from across the nation representing local, state, regional, tribal and federal interests and will focus on climate change impacts and adaptation efforts ranging from the transportation, insurance and disaster risk management sectors to architecture, agriculture, and environmental justice. Apply by Feb 9th.

Topics on the Beat: 
October 3, 2015

DEADLINE: IWMF's African Great Lakes Reporting Fellowships

The International Women's Media Foundation (IWMF) is accepting applications until Oct 3, 2015 for its African Great Lakes International Reporting Fellowships. Women journalists can apply to participate in one of two expenses-paid reporting fellowships to Rwanda and Uganda, Jan-Feb 2016, to cover underreported economic and rural development issues.

February 12, 2024

DEADLINE: Metcalf Institute's Annual Science Immersion Workshop for Journalists

Metcalf Institute's 26th Annual Science Immersion Workshop for Journalists at the University of Rhode Island, June 3-8, 2024, is for full-time journalists to learn more about research and topics relating to climate change science, impacts, adaptation and justice. Apply by Feb 12.



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