Water & Oceans

"Information on Drilling Fluids Hard To Come by in Pennsylvania"

"Pennsylvania is one of only four states with regulations in place requiring drillers to disclose on a well-by-well basis the additives and chemicals used in fracturing fluid injected deep underground into oil and natural gas wells. But the state is the only one not to post the data on the Internet."

Source: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, 08/30/2011

"Testing Water Along the Path of Irene"

"Beyond flooding and destruction, Hurricane Irene is likely to have caused less visible environmental damage by dumping sewage, pesticides and other contaminants into waterways along the East Coast, federal officials said.
High flows of water can also disturb sediment and make it settle out in new deposits that can clog oyster beds or require new dredging in shipping channels."

Source: Green (NYT), 08/30/2011
November 12, 2011

Youth Ocean Conservation Summit, a Project of Stow It - Don't Throw It

The “Stow It-Don’t Throw It” Project invites youth (and adult volunteers) to join us for our first Youth Ocean Conservation Summit, which is designed to allow youth participants to learn from marine scientists and conservationists about the current threats facing marine ecosystems, both locally and globally. Participants will learn what other youth are already doing to help tackle some of these issues, and they will be given a chance to work with their peers to develop action plans for their own ocean conservation projects.

Topics on the Beat: 

No Water No Life

Founded in 2006 by SEJ member Alison M. Jones, No Water No Life photography teams document historic, current and potential management issues of six case-study watersheds: North America’s Columbia, Mississippi and Raritan River Basins and northeastern Africa’s Nile, Omo and Mara River Basins.



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