
"China Sows Disinformation About Hawaii Fires Using New Techniques"

"Beijing’s influence campaign using artificial intelligence is a rapid change in tactics, researchers from Microsoft and other organizations say."

"When wildfires swept across Maui last month with destructive fury, China’s increasingly resourceful information warriors pounced.

Source: NYTimes, 09/13/2023
September 13, 2023

Webinar: Federal and State Lobbying — Efforts to Influence by Energy and Environmental Interests

OpenSecrets invites journalists looking to add a money-in-politics angle to their stories to their Lobbying Data Masterclass Series. On Sep 13, 1:00 pm ET, they'll explore tools and unique datasets to empower journalists investigating political influence in the energy and environmental sector.


"As Fall Migration Arrives, Apps That ID Birds By Sound Have Taken Off"

"I was sitting in solitude earlier this summer in an Adirondack chair in my backyard, when I realized I wasn’t as alone as I’d thought. Thanks to the app I’d just downloaded on my phone — the popular and free Merlin Bird ID — I learned just from listening that I was surrounded by more than a dozen species of birds."

Source: AP, 09/08/2023
September 14, 2023

Developing Data Stories: Using Global Forest Watch for Journalism

Are you new to environmental journalism or looking to expand your data toolbox? Learn how maps and data can take your reporting to the next level and bring stories to life during Global Forest Watch's upcoming webinar, 9am EDT | 1pm UTC.

Topics on the Beat: 
August 17, 2023

Knight Center Webinar: Generative AI — What Journalists Need To Know About ChatGPT and Other Tools

The Knight Center’s Journalism Courses program is beginning a series of initiatives to help journalists understand the impact of generative AI on the news industry, as well as the opportunities and threats it creates. This brief webinar, at 12:00 p.m. ET,  will be followed next month by an online course on the same topic.

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