Natural Resources

November 13, 2012

Post-Election Law and Policy Directions for Shale Drilling

Beginning Nov. 13, ALI-CLE and the Environmental Law Institute offer a five-part series — via telephone or audio webcast — on shale drilling and hydraulic fracturing that offers an in-depth examination of the environmental law and policy issues facing companies, governments, activist groups, and citizens who are concerned about this critical area of our nation's energy infrastructure.


"The Aftermath: Costs of Shoring Up Coastal Communities"

"For more than a century, for good or ill, New Jersey has led the nation in coastal development. Many of the barrier islands along its coast have long been lined by rock jetties, concrete sea walls or other protective armor. Most of its coastal communities have beaches only because engineers periodically replenish them with sand pumped from offshore. Now much of that sand is gone."

Source: NY Times, 11/06/2012
November 13, 2012 to November 14, 2012

Workshop: Understanding the Connections between Coastal Waters and Ocean Ecosystem Services and Human Health

This free National Academies Institute of Medicine workshop in Washington DC will bring together members of the ecology, ecosystem services, and health communities to gain a better understanding of the connections between coastal waterways and ocean processes and public health risks and benefits. A live webcast of the workshop will also be available for those who are unable to attend in person.


Opponents Cry Foul Over of Pebble Mine's Scientific Review

"ANCHORAGE, Alaska — The group aiming to develop a giant copper and gold mine in the Bristol Bay area is vetting the scientific studies that underlay its work, turning to a Colorado-based non-profit with expertise in environmental conflict resolution. But critics of the proposed Pebble mine are having little of it."

Source: Anchorage Daily News, 10/04/2012


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