"As Clock Ticks, Divide Jeopardizes Renewal of Key Law"
"A deep rift threatens the future of one of the nation's oldest and most popular conservation laws as it enters its final 100 days of authorization."
"A deep rift threatens the future of one of the nation's oldest and most popular conservation laws as it enters its final 100 days of authorization."
"Florida is moving toward expanding cattle grazing, hunting and other commercial activities in state parks to help make them self-sufficient, an idea raising alarms among conservationists."
Florida legislators finally reached a deal late Sunday on how much money should be spent conserving land, but the final amount drew protests from conservation groups who argued lawmakers were ignoring the will of voters."
"When Tampa Bay was grappling with repeated fish kills and murky waters two decades ago, the scientists who set out to restore its health by bringing back once-bountiful underwater grasses were doubtful it could be done in their lifetimes."
"State and federal courts handed down three decisions against a proposed copper and gold mine in Alaska that environmentalists are staging a nationwide fight against."
"ALONG THE SALTON SEA, CALIF. — The bone-dry lake bed burned crystalline and white in the midday sun. Ecologist Bruce Wilcox hopped out of his truck and bent down to scoop up a handful of the gleaming, crusty soil."
"A government fund that has helped preserve some of the nation’s most iconic parks — from Gettysburg’s battlefields to the Everglades and the Appalachian Trail — could disappear as early as fall because of a congressional dispute over how the program’s revenue should be spent, U.S. officials warn."
The public is not allowed to know the terms of the draft Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade pact likely to come up for a Senate vote this year. Yet the Senate has already begun voting on terms for considering the treaty, which may allow other nations to override U.S. health, safety, and environmental protection laws. Fortunately, WikiLeaks has already published a leaked version of the environmental chapter of the TPP treaty.
"Protesters argue that eminent domain laws may not even apply as the pipeline will serve Mexicans, not Americans".