Natural Resources

"Iron Range Mine Could Pollute Water for Up To 500 Years"

"A proposed copper-nickel mine in northeast Minnesota would generate water pollution for up to 500 years and require billions of dollars in long-term cleanup costs, state regulators have concluded as they near a key stage in the project’s review."

Source: Minneapolis Star Tribune, 10/09/2013

"Mine May Open Next Year as Last-Chance Appeal Languishes"

"As a tribe awaits resolution of a last-chance appeal to stop mining in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, an international company is moving closer to production. The Keweenaw Bay Indian Community has challenged a state permit that allows sulfide mining to extract copper and nickel on public lands in the Upper Peninsula."

Source: EHN, 10/07/2013

Toolbox: Data Resources for Dams, Impoundments and Levees

Water control structures — dams, locks, weirs, reservoirs, impoundments, and levees — are a gold mine of environmental stories. They affect not only the quality of life in human communities, but also the integrity of ecosystems. There are a variety of databases and data resources that can help reporters get a better grip on the many stories that center on dams and levees.



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