
"Gas Blasts Spur Questions on Oversight"

A 2008 natural gas explosion that killed a man in Sacramento "was one example of what many experts and studies say is weak oversight of gas pipelines in the United States, a problem that has contributed to hundreds of pipeline episodes that have killed 60 people and injured 230 others in the last five years. Those figures do not include the final toll of the explosion of another Pacific Gas and Electric pipeline this month in San Bruno, Calif., that left seven people dead and more than 50 injured."

Source: NYTimes, 09/27/2010

Oil and Gas Pipeline Disasters Fail to Spur Bill Bolstering Oversight

"The Obama administration's bid to strengthen federal pipeline oversight is raising questions from environmental groups as well as industry, suggesting that safety reforms could fail to reach a legislative fast track despite three recent high-profile ruptures along the 2.3 million miles of U.S. oil and gas lines."

Source: Greenwire, 09/23/2010

Government Secrecy Over Pipeline Location, Regulatory Neglect Challenged

The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration withholds data about pipeline condition and inspections, meaning pipeline explosions caused by preventable and fixable corrosion are far more likely to kill Americans than any caused by terrorists.

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Federal Cops to Gulf Journos: Don't Dig, It's Illegal

Watch the video: Pensacola TV reporter Dan Thomas is accosted by USFWS and NPS after finding layers of crude oil (with his toy shovel) less than a foot below the surface — giving the lie to BP and government claims that beaches had been cleaned.

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