Climate Change

October 6, 2014

Program Reporting and Climate Communications Fellowship

This ICLEI–Local Governments for Sustainability USA fellowship runs Oct-Dec 2014. The position will primarily support the development of the 2015 Measuring Up Report, to be published by ICLEI and World Wildlife Fund, cataloging the climate mitigation commitments and achievements of US cities and counties. Open till filled; interviews begin October 6.

Topics on the Beat: 
September 21, 2014

People’s Climate March

A People’s Climate March is planned for Sunday, September 21st in midtown Manhattan to persuade world leaders attending the UN Climate Summit on September 23rd to support an international agreement to dramatically reduce carbon emissions pollution and to build a future based on greater use of renewable energy and more energy conservation.


"Climate Change Denial Could Hurt Scott Brown in New Hampshire"

"Carpetbagger Scott Brown is discovering that his newfound refusal to accept climate science may hurt him in November’s New Hampshire Senate election. According to a new poll commissioned by the League of Conservation Voters, 48 percent of New Hampshire voters say they would be less likely to support a candidate who does not acknowledge the reality of climate change, versus only 21 percent who say they would be more likely."

Source: Grist, 09/12/2014

"Federal Report Describes Trouble for Some Birds"

"A day after the National Audubon Society released a report saying that about half of North America’s 650 bird species will be threatened by climate change, a report released Tuesday by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and other federal agencies concluded that nearly one-third of American birds are in trouble."

Source: NY Times, 09/11/2014

Heat Waves America's Deadliest Weather Disaster; Don't Have To Be

"Heat waves are quickly becoming one of the world's deadliest weather phenomena. In the United States, extreme heat now kills more people each year than tornadoes, hurricanes, or flooding. And a massive heat wave, like the one that hit Europe in 2003, can kill tens of thousands in a blow."

Source: Vox, 09/10/2014


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