Climate Change

"Greenland Is Melting Away"

"The midnight sun still gleamed at 1 a.m. across the brilliant expanse of the Greenland ice sheet. Brandon Overstreet, a doctoral candidate in hydrology at the University of Wyoming, picked his way across the frozen landscape, clipped his climbing harness to an anchor in the ice and crept toward the edge of a river that rushed downstream toward an enormous sinkhole."

Source: NY Times, 10/27/2015

"Deadly Heat Is Forecast in Persian Gulf by 2100"

"By the end of this century, areas of the Persian Gulf could be hit by waves of heat and humidity so severe that simply being outside for several hours could threaten human life, according to a study published Monday. Because of humanity’s contribution to climate change, the authors wrote, some population centers in the Middle East 'are likely to experience temperature levels that are intolerable to humans.'"

Source: NY Times, 10/27/2015

Between the Lines: Iconic Author, Former Farmer, Plants Seeds for a ‘More Attractive’ World

In this "Between the Lines" excerpt from the latest issue of SEJournal, book editor Tom Henry interviews Earth Policy Institute's Lester Brown, recipient of 25 honorary degrees and author of 54 books (although, amazingly, he never learned to type).

SEJ Publication Types: 

ExxonMobil Targets Journalists, Activists After Climate Change Probe

"After an investigation found that ExxonMobil has been funding climate-denying organizations — despite the findings of its own scientists on climate change—the world’s fourth-largest oil company is now going after the journalists who revealed it."

Source: Motherboard, 10/26/2015


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