Water & Oceans

December 5, 2012

Point Sources and Pollutants: Using the Clean Water Act to Regulate Offshore Aquaculture Discharges

Aquaculture is an increasingly important component of the world food supply, but it causes a variety of environmental impacts. This webinar brings together experts from the Environmental Law Institute, EPA, and academia to explore questions related to the application of the Clean Water Act to offshore aquaculture.


"Sea Level Rise Accelerating Faster than Initial Projections"

"Sea level is rising as the planet warms up, but how much it will rise, and how fast is still something climate scientists are working out. And according to study released late Tuesday in Environmental Research Letters the ocean is already rising faster than the most recent authoritative report from the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was projecting as recently as 2007."

Source: Climate Central, 11/28/2012


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