Water & Oceans

Gulf Seabed Life Will Take Decades To Recover From BP Spill: New Study

"The damage from oil during the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster to communities of tiny organisms living in and on the soft sediment on the floor of the Gulf of Mexico surrounding BP's Macondo well will take decades to repair, according to a new scientific study conducted by NOAA, BP and university researchers."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 09/25/2013

Judge Nudges EPA To Regulate Dead-Zone Pollutants from Mississippi

"A federal judge in New Orleans has handed environmental groups what amounts to half a loaf in their push for federal regulations on the flow of pollutants into the Mississippi River that fuels the annual spring low-oxygen 'Dead Zone' along Louisiana’s Gulf coast."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 09/24/2013

"Federal Standards Needed for Safe Arctic Drilling, Pew Says"

"WASHINGTON — Hunting for offshore oil in remote and unforgiving Arctic waters requires vessels capable of withstanding crushing blows from icebergs, a nearby stash of emergency equipment and other specialized resources, according to a new report from Pew Charitable Trusts."

Source: FuelFix, 09/23/2013


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