
"White House, Key Congress Members Still Committed To Arctic Drilling"

"WASHINGTON -- Critics want a halt to offshore Arctic drilling in the wake of Shell's latest mishap in the waters off Alaska but there's no sign the Obama administration and key members of Congress are backing off their support for drilling in the sensitive region."

Source: Anchorage Daily News, 02/04/2013

"State Dept's Keystone XL Review Will Face EPA Scrutiny a Third Time"

"The EPA found serious flaws in two earlier environmental reviews. Soon it will have another opportunity to weigh in, with climate impacts a major concern."

"One of the biggest unknowns in the unfolding Keystone XL debate is the role the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency might play."

Source: InsideClimate News, 02/01/2013

Justice Asks Judge for Documents Showing How BP Low-Balled Oil Flow

"The Justice Department on Wednesday asked a federal judge in New Orleans to require BP to produce documents that outline how it low-balled the amount of oil flowing into the Gulf of Mexico from its Macondo well in 2010. The estimates were sent to the Coast Guard and Congress."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 02/01/2013

TRI National Analysis Dangles Leads for Investigative Stories

EPA had already released preliminary TRI data for the latest available year (2011), but its National Analysis makes for easier reporting as data is collated by state. It also offers analyses by industry sector and of toxics handling by collating the parent companies of each facility nationwide.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Enviros Threaten To Sue 3 Coal Plants for Polluting Chesapeake Rivers

"A trio of environmental groups warned Monday they would sue the operator of three coal-fired power plants in Maryland for allegedly discharging excessive amounts of nutrient pollution into Chesapeake Bay rivers and trying to mask their violations by transferring pollution 'credits' among facilities."

Source: Baltimore Sun, 01/29/2013

PFOS: "3M Pollution Study Finds Mixed Results

"Levels of PFOS, a chemical manufactured by 3M Co. for a variety of commercial uses until about 10 years ago, have improved significantly in the Mississippi River between Hastings and St. Paul -- except for the area around the company's Cottage Grove plant, where they have worsened."

Source: Minneapolis Star Tribune, 01/29/2013

"Boom in Mining Rare Earths Poses Mounting Toxic Risks"

"The mining of rare earth metals, used in everything from smart phones to wind turbines, has long been dominated by China. But as mining of these key elements spreads to countries like Malaysia and Brazil, scientists warn of the dangers of the toxic and radioactive waste generated by the mines and processing plants."

Source: YaleE360, 01/29/2013


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