Environmental Justice

Amy Coney Barrett's Addition To High Court May Undermine Climate Fight

"Barrett and five other conservative justices will wield considerable influence on climate change policy"

"The supreme court is shifting right, at a pivotal moment when it could have the last word on how much the US contributes to battling the climate crisis.

Amy Coney Barrett’s addition to the court could leave an indelible mark on how fiercely the US, and perhaps the rest of the world, can fight rising temperatures, even as scientists warn society has just years to take serious action.

Source: Guardian, 10/27/2020

"Minority Communities Question Election-Year Push by EPA"

"Theresa Landrum lives in southwest Detroit, where residents complain frequently about dirty air. Tree-shaded neighborhoods with schools, churches and parks lie on either side of an interstate highway and in the shadow of a sprawling oil refinery that belches soot and fumes."

Source: AP, 10/27/2020

"With Justice Barrett, a Tectonic Court Shift on the Environment"

"The accession of Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court will cement a conservative majority that is likely to give polluting industries freer rein, limit the ability of citizens to sue, and call into question the very basis of the EPA to issue and enforce regulations."

Source: YaleE360, 10/26/2020

"North Dakota Seeks To Repurpose Coronavirus Aid For Fracking"

"North Dakota officials say they want to repurpose $16 million in federal coronavirus aid and spend it on grants to encourage fracking instead of using it to clean up abandoned oil well sites."

Source: AP, 10/23/2020


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