Climate Change

December 4, 2012

Communicating Climate Change Workshop, at UNFCCC Climate Change Summit

Join journalists, bloggers, and scientists to discuss innovative ways to communicate about climate change at the UNFCCC Climate Change Summit in Qatar.


"We're No. 1! (In Climate Denier Coverage)"

"America is unique when it comes to giving a platform to climate deniers and skeptics. According to a new analysis of data released last year, American newspapers are far more likely to publish uncontested claims from climate deniers, many of whom challenge whether the planet is warming at all and are 'almost exclusively found' in the U.S. media. The study was published in the journal Environmental Research Letters."

Source: Grist, 10/09/2012

"Scientists Watch Antarctica, Arctic Sea-Ice Levels"

"The ice covering the Arctic Ocean was at a record low, in keeping with a sharp warming trend in the far north. At the same time, the amount of the ocean around Antarctica covered by sea ice hit a record high. It's winter in Antarctica when it's summer in the Arctic. But why in a warming world is wintertime ice growing?"

Source: NPR, 10/08/2012

Polar Bear Scientist Cleared; Interior Dept. Still Under Openness Cloud

Five years after wildlife biologist Charles Monnett's 2006 observations of dead polar bears, believed to have drowned because of disappearing Arctic ice, Interior started an investigation of Monnett's science. The findings — partially published September 28, 2012 — were confused and contained no findings of scientific misconduct.

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SEJ Member Spotlight: Andrew Revkin

SEJ member, reporter and author Andrew Revkin is the senior fellow for environmental understanding at Pace University's Academy for Applied Environmental Studies and writes the award-winning Dot Earth blog for the Op-Ed side of The New York Times.



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