Economy & Business

Need to Know? Eight Reports from the Congressional Research Service

Congress does not release reports done by the Congressional Research Service to the public, even though taxpayers fund them. Thanks to the Federation of American Scientists' Government Secrecy Project, you can read them anyway.

SEJ Publication Types: 

New Factory: Tesla Ventures Into Solar Power Storage for Home, Business

"In recent years, the fast-growing popularity of solar panels has intensified a central challenge: how to use the sun’s energy when it isn’t shining. Now, Tesla Motors, the maker of luxury electric sedans, says it is taking a big step toward meeting that challenge with a fleet of battery systems aimed at homeowners, businesses and utilities."

Source: NY Times, 05/01/2015

Shell Accused Of Misleading Shareholders on Risks Of Arctic Drilling

"If Royal Dutch Shell’s Arctic drilling program leads to a major spill, it could cost the oil company — and therefore its shareholders — an entire year’s worth of profit, according to a Tuesday legal filing by the conservation group Oceana and a University of Chicago law clinic."

Source: Climate Progress, 04/30/2015


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