
All forms of advocacy, esp. environmental groups.

Animal Rights Activist Charged for Video Exposing Cruelty

Reporting on abuse of animals is now officially a crime — at least under Colorado law. Animal-rights activist Taylor Radig was charged after she made public a video showing employees of a Colorado ranch abusing calves. 

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Anti-Fracking Activists Denied Injunction in Canada"

"FREDERICTON, Canada -- A judge ruled here Monday against an injunction to suspend controversial shale gas exploration activities in Kent County, New Brunswick, which last month created headlines across North America when protests in the area turned violent as activists burned police cars amid dozens of arrests."

Source: Aljazeera, 11/19/2013

"Bucket Brigade: Air Pollution Increases at Refineries in 2012"

"In issuing its annual report on refinery accidents and pollution releases Tuesday, the Louisiana Bucket Brigade took a slightly different approach by urging refinery workers, employees and people living around the facilities to report what they see, hear and smell. ...

Source: Baton Rouge Advocate, 11/13/2013


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