
"U.S. Criticized Tokyo's Nuclear Plan"

"The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident exposed flaws in the Japanese government's measures to guard the country's reactors against earthquakes and tsunamis. U.S. officials in recent years also have worried that Japanese officials haven't taken enough precautions to protect the facilities from terrorist attacks, according to diplomatic documents released over the weekend on the WikiLeaks website."

Source: Wall St. Journal, 05/10/2011
May 23, 2011 to May 25, 2011

Threatened Island Nations: Legal Implications of Rising Seas and a Changing Climate

Some time this century the Republic of the Marshall Islands is likely to be completely submerged. They asked Columbia Law School to look at the legal issues this raises. If a country is under water, is it still a state? Does it still have a seat at the UN? What happens to its fishing rights and mineral rights? What is the citizenship of its displaced people? Does it have legal recourse? The result is this international conference of legal scholars on legal issues faced by island nations threatened by sea level rise.


Foes Highlight Firms' Foreign Ownership in Bids to Halt Uranium Mining

"Environmentalists trying to halt U.S. uranium projects are emphasizing the foreign ownership of mining companies. A key issue: Companies that mine uranium and other hardrock minerals do not pay royalties to the U.S. government. Several companies that mine or are seeking permits to mine U.S. uranium are based in Canada."

Source: Greenwire, 05/06/2011


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