
October 2, 2013

Biodiversity Research Institute Media Event to Launch Largest Ever Loon Study

The loon is a key bioindicator of aquatic integrity for lakes and near shore marine ecosystems. Attend in person at the Jackson Fork Ranch in Bondurant, Wyoming or join the webcast, 11:00 AM MDT. Reporters will be able to ask questions at the conclusion of the presentations.

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News Media Groups Urge Court To Open up Wild-Horse Roundups

In 2010, BLM denied Horseback Magazine photojournalist Laura Leigh access to federal land to photograph a roundup. She went to court, was rejected, then went to a complex chain of appeals. Now the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and other j-groups have filed friend-of-the-court briefs in support of photojournalists' First Amendment rights to cover government actions.

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