Water & Oceans

TOOLBOX: EWG Ag Subsidy Database a Tall Silo of Environmental Stories

One starting point to covering agriculture — and the health implications of land and water use — is to follow the money using Environmental Working Group's major database tool. Any reporter covering the ag-environment link should know about it.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Alaska Glacier Studied For Clues On Water Supply"

"Anchorage is one of the few North American cities that depend on a glacier for most of their drinking water. The Eklutna glacier also provides some of the city's electricity, through hydro power. So a team of researchers is working to answer a very important question: How long will the glacier's water supply last?"

Source: NPR, 06/25/2012

"Florida Struggles to Overcome Threats to Freshwater Springs"

Florida's famous freshwater springs are in trouble. "The culprits, environmental experts say, are a recent drought in north-central Florida and decades of pumping groundwater out of the aquifer to meet the demands of Florida’s population boom, its sprinklers and its agricultural industry. To what degree the overconsumption of groundwater is to blame for the changes is being batted back and forth between environmentalists and the state’s water keepers.

Source: NY Times, 06/25/2012


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