Water & Oceans

"Sunken Great Lakes Oil Pipeline Raises Spill Fears"

"TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. — A freshwater channel that separates Michigan's upper and lower peninsulas is a premier Midwestern tourist attraction and a photographer's delight, offering spectacular vistas of two Great Lakes, several islands and one of the world's longest suspension bridges. But nowadays the Straits of Mackinac is drawing attention for something that is out of sight and usually out of mind, and which some consider a symbol of the dangers lurking in the nation's sprawling web of buried oil and natural gas pipelines."

Source: AP, 03/04/2014

Marcellus Energy Could Pave Over An Area Bigger Than Delaware

"Development of natural gas and wind resources in the Marcellus shale region could cover up nearly 1.3 million acres of land, an area bigger than the state of Delaware, with cement, asphalt and other impervious surfaces, according to a paper published this month in the scientific journal PLOS One."

Source: Huffington Post, 02/26/2014

"North Carolina Agency Might Get Tough on Utility After Coal Ash Spill"

"DURHAM, N.C. — North Carolina regulators who have been accused of lax oversight abruptly announced Tuesday that they may force Duke Energy to move its riverfront ash basin to a lined landfill away from waterways after one of its plants leaked tons of toxic coal ash into a major river."

Source: LA Times, 02/26/2014

"California Brewers Fear Drought Could Leave Bad Taste In Your Beer"

"Brewers around the country boast that their 'pure' local water is the key to their beers' unique flavor. Coors credits the trout streams of the Rockies. Olympia  Beer's slogan is, 'It's the water.' Cold Spring Brewing Co., in Minnesota, is named for a nearby natural spring."

Source: NPR, 02/24/2014


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