Water & Oceans

"Washington County Drilling Hearing Raises Conflicts Over Contamination"

"Loren 'Buzz' Kiskadden first noticed a water problem at his house trailer in rural Amwell Township, Washington County, while using a hose to fill a wading pool for his grandchildren in June 2011. 'A gray sludge was filing up the bottom of the pool. It was just nasty,' said Mr. Kiskadden, 55, in testimony before the state Environmental Hearing Board last week in Pittsburgh. 'I shut the water off and told the kids not to get in it.'"

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 10/13/2014

Lead From Police Firing Range May Be Leaching Into the Tennessee River

"An environmental assessment of the joint Chattanooga-Hamilton County firing range on Moccasin Bend indicates that the nearly 40 years of spent bullets at the site may be causing lead-laden surface water to flow into the Tennessee River."

Source: Chattanooga Times Free Press, 10/10/2014

Chesapeake Cleanup Would Bring Economic Benefit Of $22.5 Billion: Study

The Chesapeake Bay region would reap an additional $22.5 billion a year from improved hurricane protection, crab and fish production and climate stability if the Obama administration's contested plan to clean up the watershed proceeds, an environmental group says."

Source: AP, 10/07/2014

Miami Beach Prepares For 'King Tide' Flooding, Taste Of Sea Level Rise

"Construction crews are wading into chest high pools of muck in a race against time to install pumps Miami Beach officials hope will help control an annual super-high tide threatening to flood south Florida's popular seaside city next week."

Source: Reuters, 10/06/2014

"Testimony: Obsolete Tests Tainted Shale Analysis"

"[Pennsylvania] State regulators did not consider available water chemistry test results and had limited knowledge of past spills and leaks at Range Resources’ Yeager Farm shale gas development site in Washington County before deciding the operation did not contaminate the nearby private water supply of Loren Kiskadden, according to testimony last week in the ongoing case before the state Environmental Hearing Board in Pittsburgh."

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 10/06/2014


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