"At least 10,000 more properties in residential neighborhoods of Evansville will be tested for lead and arsenic contamination in the soil of their yards" from foundries going back to the 1880s.
"The federal government plans to spend up to $3 million a year to demolish and rebuild uranium-contaminated structures across the Navajo Nation, where Cold War-era mining of the radioactive substance left a legacy of disease and death."
Abandoned gas stations dot some Florida highways. Economic conditions bear part of the blame. But operators' inability to pay for replacement of old, leaky tanks ironically may be causing more old tanks to be left in the ground.
"The Supreme Court refused Monday to hear a Marine's lawsuit blaming the government's dumping of toxic chemicals at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina for his son's illnesses."
"Legislation allowing more selenium to be released into Tennessee streams fell one vote short of passage Wednesday after lawmakers were told approval would mean poisoning the state's waters to help coal company win a lawsuit attacking its pollution."
"Just days before Christmas last year, an environmental disaster one hundred times the size of the Exxon Valdez (yes, you read that right) unfolded on a riverbank in eastern Tennessee. A wave of poisonous sludge buried a town…along with the myth of clean coal."
New evidence indicates the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry fails to protect communities from dangers such as the now-disappearing plumes of toxic groundwater carrying cancer-causing chemicals far beyond the Kelly Air Force Base near San Antonio, TX.