
WV Spill Revealed Striking Lack of Water Supply Regulations: Lawmakers

"WASHINGTON — Members of Congress and West Virginia officials say patchwork federal regulations are inadequate to protect the public from spills such as the one last month that contaminated drinking water for 300,000 people in the Charleston area."

Source: AP, 02/05/2014

"Environment Loses Out in Russia's Race To Sochi"

"Sochi — Just outside the Olympic Park in Sochi, where the Winter Games open on Friday, is a green space with benches, artificial ponds and a couple of hides. 'Ornithological Park', the sign declares. The problem is that there is not a bird in sight in the park, which was set up as a replacement for sensitive wetlands that were covered over for the construction of Games venues."

Source: AFP, 02/04/2014
February 25, 2014

Debrief of the Supreme Court's Oral Argument on EPA's GHG Rulemakings

Join ELI and distinguished panelists, many of whom participated in EPA's GHG case before SCOTUS, to discuss and dissect the previous day’s oral argument and the implications of the potential outcomes for clients and policy moving forward. Takes place at the DC Bar Association in Washington, DC and via teleconference.

February 20, 2014

Resolved: EPA and States Can Regulate Emissions Outside the Facility Fenceline Under Clean Air Act Section 111

Whether U.S. EPA and states can regulate emissions outside the facility fenceline is a critical factor in shaping the regulatory response to climate change using Clean Air Act Section 111. There has been much rhetoric about the ability of states and EPA to create regulatory tools but policy experts and professionals need a more definitive answer. To address this topic two expert teams will argue the resolution, ask questions of the other side, and identify points of agreement and disagreement at the Environmental Law Institute, Washington, DC and via teleconference.


"Radionuclides in Fracking Wastewater: Managing a Toxic Blend"

"Naturally occurring radionuclides are widely distributed in the earth’s crust, so it’s no surprise that mineral and hydrocarbon extraction processes, conventional and unconventional alike, often produce some radioactive waste."

Source: EHP, 02/03/2014


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