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Coverage Stories: SEJ's 31st Annual Conference
Here you'll find a list of coverage stories inspired by or informed by our 2022 conference in Houston, Texas.
Coverage: SEJ's 31st Annual Conference
SEJ's 31st annual conference took place March 30-April 3, 2022, hosted by Rice University. Here you'll find multimedia coverage provided by SEJ, volunteers and conference attendees.
Agenda: SEJ's 31st Annual Conference
See the agenda for SEJ's 31st Annual Conference in Houston, hosted by Rice University, March 30-April 3, 2022.
2022 Journalists’ Guide to Energy & Environment
The Society of Environmental Journalists' 10th annual look ahead at the year's key energy and environmental issues took place Feb 9, moderated by #SEJ2022 co-chair and ProPublica/Texas Tribune Investigative Unit's Perla Trevizo. Event details, recording and chat log.
#SEJ2022 Annual Conference, Houston, TX, March 30-April 3
SEJ's 31st annual conference was hosted by Rice University in Houston. Here's the agenda. There are video recordings of the plenaries and audio recordings of most concurrent sessions. Find it all on our conference coverage page.
SEJ Wall of Heroes
Journalists are heroes of democracy. We're asking you to honor your journalism heroes by supporting SEJ's work to increase and improve environmental journalism. If you have a journalism hero, tell us using #HonoringTheHeroes. Make a contribution to SEJ in their name and we'll add them to our Wall of Heroes. And you'll both know that you're helping the reporters who tell the world's greatest stories.
What This Year's Rulings And Court Fights Mean For 2021
"President Trump's four years in office brought a steady stream of courtroom brawls over environmental issues before an increasingly conservative judiciary. 2020 was no exception."