Journalism & Media

"Commentary: A Wish List for the Most Crucial Year Since 2015"

"Phew. Back in 2015, both a President and a Pope stepped up to call for action on climate change, and the world sort of responded with an agreement. For the first time, a Vulgarian-American led his party’s field in a run for the Presidency. And once again, we experienced the hottest year on record."

Source: EHN, 12/31/2015

As China Hungers for Coal, ‘Behemoth’ Studies the Ravages at the Source

"BEIJING — The artist and filmmaker Zhao Liang has shed light on some of the darkest corners of Chinese society, filming in locations as obscure as a shantytown here known as the 'petitioners’ village' and a military police office on the North Korean border."

Source: NY Times, 12/30/2015

SEJ's 26th Annual Conference, Sacramento, CA, Sept. 21-25, 2016

Environmental Journalism 2016 took us to California, the Land of Extremes and Home of Big Dreams, hosted by Capital Public Radio and UC Davis. Multimedia coverage is posted here. See the agenda and speaker bios.



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