Environmental Politics

Sec. of State Candidate Has Major Financial Stake in Canada Tar Sands

"Susan Rice, the candidate believed to be favored by President Obama to become the next Secretary of State, holds significant investments in more than a dozen Canadian oil companies and banks that would stand to benefit from expansion of the North American tar sands industry and construction of the proposed $7 billion Keystone XL pipeline. If confirmed by the Senate, one of Rice's first duties likely would be consideration, and potentially approval, of the controversial mega-project."

Source: OnEarth, 11/29/2012
December 6, 2012

Election 2012 – 30 Days Later: What Happened and What's Next

Thirty days after the 2012 election, join Waggener Edstrom Worldwide and the Public Affairs Council in DC to hear about "what happened and what's next" from four leading national journalists covering the energy and environment, economy and business, health and technology sectors. 8 to 10 a.m. EST. Free event but RSVP required by November 30th.


Analysis: Despite 2011 Japan Meltdowns, Pro-Nuke Party Could Win Power

"Japanese voters look likely to hand victory to a party that favors nuclear power in the first election since the March 2011 Fukushima radiation disaster -- a result a baffled Greenpeace activist likens to one of the 'wonders of the world.'"

Source: ,

As Drug Industry Influence On Research Grows, So Does Potential Bias

"For drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline, the 17-page article in the New England Journal of Medicine represented a coup. The 2006 report described a trial that compared three diabetes drugs and concluded that Avandia, the company’s new drug, performed best. ... What only careful readers of the article would have gleaned is the extent of the financial connections between the drugmaker and the research."

Source: Wash Post, 11/26/2012

"Climate Skeptic Group Works To Reverse Renewable Energy Mandates"

"The Heartland Institute, a libertarian think tank skeptical of climate change science, has joined with the conservative American Legislative Exchange Council to write model legislation aimed at reversing state renewable energy mandates across the country."

Source: Wash Post, 11/26/2012

"SUNY Buffalo Shuts Down its Frack-Happy Shale Institute"

"Remember that questionable study put out by the State University at Buffalo earlier this year, the one that claimed Pennsylvania was doing a good job at regulating the fracking industry? This week SUNY Buffalo's president announced his decision to shutter its publisher, the school's own Shale Resources and Society Institute (SRSI)."

Source: Mother Jones, 11/21/2012


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