Environmental Politics

"Arizona Mining Project Wins Crucial Permit"

"A Canadian mining company has come one step closer to building a mile-wide, half-mile-deep open-pit copper mine on public land 30 miles south of Tucson. On Thursday, Arizona’s Department of Environmental Quality granted Rosemont Copper, a subsidiary of Augusta Resource of Vancouver, a crucial air quality permit, saying emissions from the proposed mine would not violate federal standards for carbon monoxide, nitrogen and sulfur dioxide, or fine and large particles."

Source: Green/NYT, 02/05/2013

"White House, Key Congress Members Still Committed To Arctic Drilling"

"WASHINGTON -- Critics want a halt to offshore Arctic drilling in the wake of Shell's latest mishap in the waters off Alaska but there's no sign the Obama administration and key members of Congress are backing off their support for drilling in the sensitive region."

Source: Anchorage Daily News, 02/04/2013

"State Dept's Keystone XL Review Will Face EPA Scrutiny a Third Time"

"The EPA found serious flaws in two earlier environmental reviews. Soon it will have another opportunity to weigh in, with climate impacts a major concern."

"One of the biggest unknowns in the unfolding Keystone XL debate is the role the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency might play."

Source: InsideClimate News, 02/01/2013

Children's Health Report Released after Reporter Exposes OMB Blockade

Sunlight cures many ills. A month after watchdog Sheila Kaplan exposed a White House blackout of an EPA report on children's environmental health, the Obama administration uncorked it. Of course, the timing may have had something to do with the election as well; EPA announced its publication January 25, just a few days after the inauguration.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"SBA Office Worked To Block Federal Regulations on Businesses"

"An independent office within the Small Business Administration has worked to block health, safety and environmental regulations on behalf of small and large businesses without appropriate technical expertise, two new studies have charged."

Source: Government Executive, 01/30/2013


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