3 States Push ALEC Bill To Teach Climate Change Denial In Schools

"The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) - known by its critics as a 'corporate bill mill' - has hit the ground running in 2013, pushing 'models bills' mandating the teaching of climate change denial in public school systems."

"January hasn't even ended, yet ALEC has already planted its 'Environmental Literacy Improvement Act' - which mandates a 'balanced' teaching of climate science in K-12 classrooms -- in the state legislatures of Oklahoma, Colorado, and Arizona so far this year.

In the past five years since 2008, among the hottest years in U.S. history, ALEC has introduced its 'Environmental Literacy Improvement Act' in 11 states, or over one-fifth of the statehouses nationwide. The bill has passed in four states, an undeniable form of 'big government' this 'free market' organization decries in its own literature.

ALEC's 'model bills' are written by and for corporate lobbyists alongside conservative legislators at its annual meetings. ALEC raises much of its corporate funding from the fossil fuel industry, which in turn utilizes ALEC as a key -- though far from the only - vehicle to ram through its legislative agenda through in the states."

Steve Horn reports for DeSmogBlog January 31, 2013.

Source: DeSmogBlog, 02/01/2013