Energy & Fuel

Docs Reveal Coal Exporter Disturbed Native American Archaeological Site

"BELLINGHAM, Wash. -- Three summers ago the company that wants to build the largest coal export terminal in North America failed to obtain the environmental permits it needed before bulldozing more than four miles of roads and clearing more than nine acres of land, including some wetlands."

Source: EarthFix/OPB, 11/26/2013

"Energy Industry Is on Alert Against Increasing Cyberattacks"

"WASHINGTON -- Last year the hacker group Anonymous broke into computer systems of oil companies including Shell, Exxon Mobil and BP as a protest against Arctic drilling. The next month, a different set of hackers infected the computers of Saudi Arabia’s national oil company with a damaging virus that knocked 30,000 workstations offline."

Source: McClatchy, 11/22/2013


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