Climate Change

Poll: Just 13 Percent Of Non-Tea Party Republicans Doubt Climate Change

"Tea Party Republicans succeeded in grinding the federal government to a halt, and they are the biggest holdouts in the face of overwhelming evidence that climate change is happening. Mainstream Republicans, however, are much less likely to reject the fact that the planet is getting hotter."

Source: Climate Progress, 11/04/2013

"Heat, Drought Draw Farmers Back To Sorghum, The 'Camel Of Crops'"

"Much of the world is turning hotter and dryer these days, and it's opening new doors for a water-saving cereal that's been called 'the camel of crops': sorghum. In an odd twist, this old-fashioned crop even seems to be catching on among consumers who are looking for 'ancient grains' that have been relatively untouched by modern agriculture."

Source: NPR, 11/01/2013


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